MounTimPossible Can Drive Underway at Can-A-Lot Too

FULTON, NY – Sometimes, when the message is just right, a little inspiration can go a long way.

That was the case when local author, inspirational speaker, and entrepreneur Tim Conners came in to speak to a room of students at the Fulton Junior High School in May, just days before embarking on a quest to climb Mount Kilamanjaro.

He shared his message and his mission with them, and answered at least a million questions about his daily life, his preparation for the upcoming climb, and, of course, his favorite type of candy bar.

After hearing Conners’ message to stay positive and help those around you in a positive way, the students were eager to watch his adventure unfold over the next few weeks as part of their morning routine.

They followed his journey on Facebook as he met and worked with students at the Mwereni Integrated School of the Blind.

They saw videos of him as he trekked the 18,885 feet up to the highest mountain on the continent of Africa and then they shared his joy when they watched a video of Tim and his father embrace as they reached the summit.

Inspired by Conners’ message and his determination to make a difference, the students wanted to show their support.

They made the decision to raise money through a school-wide can drive, and that they would donate all of the proceeds to the MounTimPossible mission.

The “We ‘CAN’ Move Mountains Together” operation was an overwhelming success, with students and staff in the school contributing over 1,800 cans and bottles.